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December 31, 2009


 Lovin this video for some odd reason..and the song is on point as well!!

December 28, 2009

Subway fight!

What is this world coming to? I could barely watch the ending of this video. Who in their right mind would punch an (to my knowledge) innocent woman. I don't have much to say about this video. Our communities need to get better.

Outrageously priced and outrageously UGLY!!!!

Why must people splurge on "to die for heels"? Most of the time women buy heels that are so called "different" because they want to send the message that they're are high priced or even expensive. I personally don't care for high priced heels or any heels at that. But if i do wear heels i make sure they are heels that i like and not heels that are trying to impress other people.

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