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January 17, 2010

Haiti hit by 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake

On last Tuesday, Haiti was stuck by a critical 7.0 magnitude earthquake. As of today they have lost thousands upon thousands of people. Please keep Haiti in your prayers and also that they continue to get the aid that they so desperately need. This is a very sad situation.

January 9, 2010

Sammie's "It's Time" EP

Sammie's EP is AMA-ZING! His vocals are perfect and matches identical with the melody of the songs throughout. I support Sammie 100%. It may not have been from the beginning, but i certainly rock with the Prince of R&B now! Download his Highly Anticipated EP here>>>>

January 7, 2010

Mariah Carey...DRUNK!

LOL. Mariah Carey got a lil TOO tipsy hunny!.. I've never seen Mariah this way so it was a bit hilarious to me! Smh. Go on witcha bad self Mariah! I don't blame you..if i was comin home to Nick Cannon i'd down a few drinks myself!

January 1, 2010

Lady GayGay?

"Lady" GaGa is very confusing to minute she looks like a man the next, she looking like a str8 up female. I don't know what's going on but she/he is starting to scare me. What lead me to speak on this is "Lady GaGa's" appearance in Beyonce's video phone ( Sure did look pretty manish compared to Beyonce. Pretty freaky. Make-up can do wonders!


Its 2010!!!! wooo hooo.. ok..